

mocomeshi / Tomoko Ozawa
Food designer

mocomechi / Tomoko Ozawa
Food designer. Representative of VISION GLASS JP.

モコメシ 小沢朋子
フードデザイナー。VISION GLASS JP 代表。

After graduating from Waseda University Applied Chemistry Department, Ozawa studied design at Chiba University graduate school. Worked as an interior designer at Kenmochi Design Associates, engaging in spatial design of hotels and offices as well as product design of mobile phones. Became independent in 2010 as a food designer "mocomeshi." Under the concept of "To design dining situations," she has taken on various creative responsibilities from the menu development for restaurants, making styling suggestions for advertisements, to producing catering arrangements and making installation works with food as their essential component. Working as a food director of SHISEIDO THE TABLES since February 2018. Published "mocomeshi: Omotenashi no fudan gohan - Hospitable Everyday Meals" (SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA) and "Otona mo sandoicchi - Grownups eat sandwiches, too" (Graphic-sha Publishing).

早稲田大学応用化学科卒業後、千葉大学大学院にてデザインを学ぶ。インテリアデザイナーとして剣持デザイン研究所に勤務、ホテルやオフィスの空間デザインに携わる他、携帯電話のプロダクトデザインを行う。2010年フードデザイナー「モコメシ」として独立。「食べるシチュエーションをデザインする」をコンセプトに飲食店向けのメニュー開発、広告のスタイリング、ケータリングのほか、食を絡めたインスタレーション作品の制作を行う。2018年2月からSHISEIDO THE TABLES のフードディレクターを務める。著書に「モコメシ おもてなしのふだんごはん」(主婦と生活社)、「大人もサンドイッチ」(グラフィック社)。

1981 Born in Sendai, Miyagi. Raised in Tokyo. Influenced by her foodie mother, she became interested in cooking at an early age
2004 Graduated from Waseda University Department of Applied Chemistry
2006 Completed Chiba University Graduate School of Natural Science Design and Science Course
2006 Worked as an interior designer at Kenmochi Design Associates
2012 Inaugurated “mocomeshi atelier”
2013 Started importing VISION GLASS from BOROSIL, India
2014 Solo exhibition “How to End Food,” Singapore
2016 Exhibited at Shiseido “LINK OF LIFE Touch. Feel. The Big CoLab.” Exhibition
2016 Participated in 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT Special Exhibition “Design Anatomy Exhibition: A method for seeing the world through familiar objects”
2018 Working as a food director of SHISEIDO THE TABLES
1981 仙台生まれ、東京育ち
2004 早稲田大学応用化学科卒業
2006 千葉大学大学院自然科学研究科デザイン専攻修了
2006 インテリアデザイナーとして剣持デザイン研究所に勤務
2012 「モコメシアトリエ」オープン
2013 インドよりVISION GLASS の輸入を開始
2014 個展「食べ物の終わり方」@シンガポール
2016 資生堂「LINK OF LIFE さわる。ふれる。美の大実験室 展」出品
2016 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 企画展「デザインの解剖展:身近なものから世界を見る方法 」出品
2018 SHISEIDO THE TABLES フードディレクターを務める

Literary works

'Grownups eat sandwiches, too' Graphic-sha Publishing
'Hospitable Everyday Meals' SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA


「モコメシ おもてなしのふだんごはん」 主婦と生活社
ポートレート写真_photograph ©Shinsaku Kato


mocomeshi’s atelier is situated on the ground floor of a small building in Taitō Ward, where residential and business areas are jumbled together. She often sits at a big table and gathers her wits to develop new menus. Soft natural light that comes through frosted glass is ideal for photo shooting. The space at times bustles with a large group of people to prep for catering gigs. The atelier has been mocomeshi’s pal since she became independent.


台東区の住宅とオフィスがごちゃ混ぜになったエリア。小さなビルの1階にモコメシのアトリエはあります。 大きなテーブルにつき落ち着いてメニューを考えたり、すりガラスから入る柔らかい自然光の元で撮影をしたり、時には大人数でケータリング仕込みをしたり。独立以来の相棒のような存在です。